Hair Transplant Services
Before and After

Success Rate
Hair transplant is the first step to take, but more importantly, it is important to know the success that you and we at Hair Free Hair Grow achieve with Hair Transplant.
Our success rate with Hair Transplant is over 97% and our hair retention rate at the end of the first year is 90% and nearly 85% of them are anagen hair (actively growing hair). Success isn’t just a number but also the quality of the work. If quality isn’t present the quantity seems meaningless, quality is what stays, Grade A quality hair is what we guarantee. Our clients have got only top-grade hair with the same level of quantity. Hair Transplant at Hair Free Hair Grow earns success with customer satisfaction and not just with numbers. Your smiles define our success rate and we have had over 5000+ skin and hair patients who are happy with our hair and with their ever-growing and going hair!
We provide the Best Hair Transplant in India and our success rate speaks for itself. We always provide a little extra then you ask for, because going an extra mile for you, provides us with a smile. Every individual success matters and in compilation our 3500+ Hair transplants prove your trust in you.
Hair Transplant Services
Before and After